Customer Testimonials

"Andy Meade Photography is great! I had an amazing time taking pictures with him and his wife. They make you feel like you’ve known them your whole life with their awesome personalities. He has incredible ideas and incorporates them with the ideas you have yourself. I highly recommend!"

-Lexi Ervin

Senior Portrait on rim

"Andy does some of the best pictures around. He makes the experience feel extremely personalized and is great at holding conversation! The pictures turned out perfect, definitely recommend to anyone looking for a high-quality photographer!"

-Bella Reed

Cheer portrait Gate City VA

"Andy is a great photographer and all of his pictures are very detailed! Him and Lisa are very fun to be around and I am very much looking forward to many more pictures with them. I highly recommend getting any type of pictures done with them!"

-Brendan Cassidy

High School football player portrait Gate City VA

"Having my pictures taken by Andy was an amazing experience! Him and his wife, Lisa, make the entire time very enjoyable because of their lovable personalities. Not only are the pictures great, but the session is as well. From making sure you’re comfortable to cracking jokes, Andy Meade Photography is a great pick for any photographic needs!"

-Lauryn Thomas

High School Senior Cheer portrait Kingsport TN

"I want to brag for just a minute and say how awesome and amazing Andy Meade Photography . He took Malachi’s pictures last night, and I already have them back today!!! Amazing service, beautiful pictures. If you are on the fence about whether to get your kids sports pictures done just do it!!! These pictures made me cry! I am so glad that I got him to do his pictures! I just wish I could have this done every year! What are you waiting on??? Give him a call!!!"

-Monique Qualls

High School senior football portrait gate City VA


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